Paths Are Made By Walking


(by Kevin)

Hey everyone!

Despite still having a very pleasant sun, summer is over and so is my time in Madrid. I guess it’s time for my last blog post. I loved Madrid, the atmosphere on the streets and all its squares, rooftops and patios after sunset, especially in Malasaña but also in other neighborhoods!  I really don’t want to get cheesy and make you drown in stories of my memories. Anyways let me tell you a bit about my work and life experience for the last time on this blog.

The BlindApplying experience has been very enriching. It has been an interesting way of matching with a company I knew about, but that I maybe would not have considered as an employer. The internship has sometimes been demanding but that has also contributed to it being as enriching as it was. I remember my first day here as if it was yesterday. However, thinking of all the things I have done and what has happened, it seems to be more than only three months.

The internship was demanding but that contributed to it being as enriching as it was

For anyone planning to join this initiative, I would highly recommend to give it a try. It’s an experience full of surprises and you have to be willing to take your chances and be open for new experiences. This doesn’t mean just saying it but also feeling it! Other than that I would just repeat the skills I have mentioned in my last post, if you don’t care about meeting and working with people but find it satisfying enough to having a lot of desk work, then a position like mine would probably not be the right thing for you.

Paths are made by walking – And I don’t regret to have walked the way I did!

Well, there are definitely some things that I'm looking forward to when going back home: Finishing my last seminars at the university and getting started/done with the thesis, tea, real bread, meeting some of my friends again and many more. However, I already know that there will be plenty of things that I am going to miss as well: the sun, my colleagues, walking around the city without knowing where you going to end up (life is a journey, not a destination!), the daily breakfast with colleagues. Well, at least there are some parts of this experience that I am not going to miss at all such as my lovely landlord ;-)

Breakfast with colleagues

As the quote that I chose for my self-introduction says: paths are made by walking – And I don’t regret to have walked the way I did!

Well then, goodbye Madrid, goodbye Cualicontrol, goodbye dear readers. See you soon!

All the best,
